The bitter flavor may not be a fan favorite but bitter coompounds are some of the most health promoting. They promote optimal digestion, boost the assimilation of nutrients, support liver health, promote the removal of excess hormones from the body, encourage healthy skin and can be extremely helpful for remedying constipation, acne and bloating.
Most of the worlds bitter compounds are produced by plants as a defense measure against infectious microbes and predators. Bitter taste receptors are found in cells throughout the body including the brain, pancreas and liver. These bitter flavors thus interact in more than just our mouth, although they do need to be tasted to maximize benefits. Anywhere from five drops of a bitter tincture to 2-5 droppersful will be tremendously helpful.
Whether you are nibbling on a bitter vegeatble or taking a tincture, as soon as your taste buds come into contact with bitter compounds, a internal message is sent to the central nervous system. The central nervous system, then signals the digestive system to prepare for food. Thus, at their core, bitters stoke the digestive fire and stimulate appetite.
Specifically, bitter compounds enhance the production of digestive juices from the pancreas and duodenum as well as increase the flow of bile from the liver. This cascade of digestive enzymes and juices stimulates peristalsis (aka muscular movement), helping food move through the digestive tract.
Bitters also help promote the growth of healthy intestinal flora and aid the liver in detoxification. By stimulating the release of bile, bitter herbs can help to remove environmental toxins, excess hormones, and other metabolic byproducts from the body. For this reason, many bitter herbs are used in remedies for reproductive and skin health. Bitters, especially those known for being traditional liver tonics, have also historically been used to alleviate anger, depression, and repressed emotions.
My bitter formula uses the herbal magick of Dandelion and Burdock root. Both have long histories of use promoting gut, skin, reproductive and liver health.
Ingredients: Dandelion root {Taraxacum officinale}, Burdock root {Arctium sp.} and Everclear
Includes one 1-ounce amber glass dropper bottle of an Herbal Bitter blend
Dosage: Take 1-5 droppersful up to 3 times a day - Best taken 10-15 minutes before meals
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