As a medicinal, Echinacea support resiliency of the immune system. In the form of a flower essence, Echinacea helps us to recover from deep struggles within the mental, emotional and spiritual realm.
Its colorful petals form around the dark, pokey interior of its bloom. Signaling to us that even our deepest wounds can lead to beauty and transformation. Deep grief, depression and suicidal thoughts... the darkest and most painful aspects of human existence is where this remedy excels. Helping us to work through these intense feelings. Encouraging us to bring light to them so that the beauty and color may return to our lives.
Whenever your self-image is beginning to change in negative directions, Echinacea Flower Essence is here to help us regain our footing. It helps to make the intense more digestible. To allow us to let go of the things that do not serve us. Echinace Essence allows us to bloom when all we want to do is crumble.
Ingredients: Organic apple cider vinegar, Echinacea {Echinacea purpurea}, Everclear and pure, filtered water
Includes a 0.5 oz stock bottle of Echinacea Flower Essence
Sustainably grown and produced by The Health Habit LLC
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Create whole-being wellness
through sustainable habits
Simplifying holistic health.
developing a world that creates environments
for healing and lives in union with nature.
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